Forests are very important for human life. Benefits provided by forests may be affected directly or indirectly.

Based on existing benefits, need to see the forest functions.

Forest has three functions, namely :
a. conservation function ,
b . protected function , and
c . production function .

Government of Indonesia has set the forest by the following principal functions :
a. forest conservation ,
b . protected forest , and
c . production forest .

Forest conservation consists of :
a. forest nature reserves ,
b . forest conservation , and
c . hunting parks .

Production forest is a forest area that has the principal function of producing forest products .

Protected forest is forest that has the principal function as protection for the life support system regulates the water , preventing floods , controlling erosion , preventing sea water intrusion , and maintaining soil fertility .

Forest conservation is a forest area with certain characteristics , which has the principal function of preserving the diversity of flora and fauna and the ecosystem .

Forest area is forest nature reserves with a certain characteristic , which has the principal function as a preservation area plant and animal diversity and the ecosystem , which also serves as an area of ​​life support systems .

Forest area is forest conservation with a particular characteristic , which has the principal function of the protection of life support systems , preserving the diversity of plants and animals , as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystems .

Hunting park is set in the forest area as a tourist hunting .

Forest is a community of plants and animals that live in the surface layer and the ground, which lies in an area and establish an ecosystem that is in a state of dynamic equilibrium . Thus meaning related to processes associated are:

1 . hydrological ,
forest means a storage shed water and absorb rainwater and dew which will eventually drain into the rivers that have springs in the middle of the woods on a regular basis according to the rhythm of nature . Forests also play a role to protect the soil from erosion and recycling element haranya .

2 . climate ,
means natural ekosistern components consisting of the elements of rain ( water ) , sunlight ( temperature ) , wind and humidity greatly affect life on Earth's surface , especially the macro and micro- climates .

3 . Soil fertility ,
means forming humus forest soil is the main storage elements and minerals to the other plants . Soil fertility is determined by factors such as the type of host rock that formed it , the conditions during the process of formation , soil texture and structure which includes humidity , temperature and soil water , topography , vegetation and bodies of living things . It is these factors which later led to the formation of a variety of woods and forest vegetation formations .

4 . Genetic diversity ,
means the forest has a wealth of different types of flora and fauna . If the forests are not considered in the utilization and sustainability , it is possible that genetic erosion will occur . This happens because of diminishing forest habitats .

5 . Natural resources ,
forest means able to contribute substantial natural resources for foreign exchange , especially in the field of industry . In addition it also contributes to the function of forest communities as a day-to- day needs . Besides wood also produced other materials such as biofuels , damar , copal , Gum Rosin , turpentine , white wood and rattan and medicinal plants .

6 . Nature areas ,
forest means capable of functioning as a source of inspiration , aesthetic values ​​, ethics and so on .

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