Tropical forests are spread in the tropics between 23.27 ° N  and 23.27 °S and found three regions in the world that has a tropical rainforest that is:
  • American rain forest with an area of ​​400 million ha ,
  • Indo - Malayan rain forest with an area of ​​250 million ha and
  • African rain forest with an area of ​​180 million ha .

Characteristic of tropical rain forest can be described as follows :

a. High biodiversity

Species composition of tropical rain forest is very diverse , in 1 ha can be found 100 plant species . Of the many new types of existing small portion recognized and known benefits . This diversity does not just happen in flora but fauna is also diverse constituent . Ecosystems that have a high diversity will have a stable ecosystem stability .

b . Closed Nutrient cycles

Tropical rainforest look so majestic with large trees and a small diverse . But actually these forests grow in less fertile soil , most of the nutrients stored in the vegetation . If there is damage to forests by logging and then transported a result, the majority of the nutrients will be lost from the forest .

c . Micro Climate conditions are stable

Climatic conditions in the different forest beyond. This is because iklilm forming factors ( eg ; wind , temperature , precipitation , light , etc. ) is affected by the compilers of the forest vegetation . As long as there is still forest vegetation will form the climatic conditions in the forest are relatively stable (relatively small fluctuations)

d . Niche specific high

The existence of the types making up the tropical rain forest , flora and fauna can live well if they exist in the ecosystem. For example, a type of orchid can grow well with other woods constituent . If the plant is moved to another place, even if the environment is made to resemble a tropical rainforest environment but the conditions will be different .

e . High productivity

Tropical rain forest ecosystem productivity is higher when compared to other ecosystems such as agricultural land, grasslands, forests, and other life . This happens because the ability to use energy efficiently supported by the amount of water and sufficient light .

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