ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE : Because of Poverty Society :

Development given a positive impact on economic improvement but behind all there are a number of issues related to the environment . If the development is done only concern on economic factors, the notice of environmental factors will be forgotten . Though environmental problems not only affect the current but the impact to the children and grandchildren .

Third world countries and developing always spur economic growth in order to quickly achieve the welfare of its people . They still pay attention to how to provide basic necessities for their people , such as food and so on. But developed countries have to think far into the future will no longer be bothered with these problems , because the economy is getting better . They think that a better future with a healthy environment and bequeath to our children and grandchildren .

Many environmental damage caused by human  that occurs due to the demands of life and lack of knowledge about the environment itself. Underdeveloped and developing countries have a Human Development Index ( HDI ) which is low when compared to developed countries . With limited education and daily needs are urged to make poor people trying to survive without any crossed his mind about environmental sustainability . Moreover, if the poor that live near the forest , the forest will be subjected to exploitation which causes damage to the forest . Poverty is one of the causes of environmental damage, but there are many more other factors .

Factors differing views and needs is what makes environmental damage is more common in developing countries . Even developing countries and least developed targeted dumping industrial wastes from developed countries . Examples of environmental damage such as pollution that occurs with varying intensity , both of which are non-toxic waste disposal toxic waste up to very dangerous .

Understanding of the environmental damage is the impact of human actions that cause direct or indirect alteration of the physical, chemical and / or biological environment that exceeds the criteria of environmental quality standards .

Various kinds of environmental damage can occur in the environment around us . This is evidenced by environmental degradation due to environmental pollution such as air pollution , soil pollution and water pollution . In addition to the environmental damage includes damage to land and marine ecosystems that provide environmental health impacts .

While understanding and definition of environmental pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things , matter, energy , and / or other components into the environment by human activities that exceed the environmental quality standards that have been set .

So that environmental damage does not happen then it needs to be made more severe damage control or the control of environmental pollution . This effort is the prevention and control as well as the restoration of environmental damage associated with air pollution , water pollution and soil contamination .

Prevention of environmental damage is an attempt to maintain a healthy environment in ways that do not provide opportunities ongoing environmental damage associated with air pollution , water pollution and soil pollution including land and forest fires . Prevention of environmental damage is an attempt to stop the widespread and increasing environmental damage and impacts related to air pollution , water pollution and soil contamination .

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