The benefits and functions of mangrove forests is felt by the people living around the coast . Direct and indirect benefits of mangroves in the form of ecological benefits, economic and social memberikat a real contribution to society . Many studies have proved this so mangrove forests should be maintained .
Mangrove forest is a forest type that grows in tidal areas , particularly in sheltered beach , lagoons and estuaries are flooded at high tide and free from puddles on the community at low tide its plants tolerate salt . According to the FAO , Mangrove Forest is a community of plants that grow in tidal areas .
The word mangrove is a combination of the Portuguese language " Mangue " and the English word " grove " ( Macnae , 1968 in Kusuma et al , 2003) . In English the word is used both for community mangrove plant that grew in the area and the tidal range for individual plant species that make up the community .
Mangrove forests also known as tidal forest , coastal woodland , forest and brackish vloedbosschen ( Indonesian ) . In addition , mangrove forests by the people of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries are often referred to by speaking Malay mangroves . The use of the term mangrove forests to mangrove forests actually less precise and unambiguous , as is the local name of the mangrove genus Rhizophora , while mangrove forests and overgrown compiled by many other genera and species of plants . Therefore , the mention of mangrove forest with mangrove forests should be avoided ( Kusuma et al , 2003) .
Mangrove spread throughout the tropical and subtropical oceans , grows only on coastal protected from wave motion ; when a coastal state otherwise , the seed can not grow properly and dropping roots . The beaches along the right side of the islands are protected from the wind , or a series of islands or land masses on the island behind the coral reefs off the coast of a sheltered ( Nybakken , 1998 ) .
Mangroves is unique because it is a combination of the characteristics of plants that live on land and at sea . Mangrove root systems generally have a prominent so-called breathing roots ( pneumatofor ) . The root system is a way of adaptation to poor soil conditions which oxygen or anaerobic . Mangrove spread throughout the tropical and subtropical oceans , grows only on coastal protected from wave motion ; when a coastal state otherwise , the seed can not grow properly and taken root . Some of the benefits of mangrove forests can be grouped as follows :
A. Benefits / Physical Function :
1 . Keeping the shoreline remains stable
2 . Protect beaches and rivers from erosion and abrasion .
3 . Withstand storms / high winds from the sea
4 . Result of the accumulation of mud resist process , thus allowing the formation of new land .
5 . Be a buffer area , and serves to filter sea water into fresh water inland
6 . To process toxic waste , producing O2 and CO2 absorbent .
B. Benefits / Biological Functions :
1 . Weathering that produce material to be important food source for plankton , so it is also important for the sustainability of the food chain .
2 . Spawning and breeding places of fish , shellfish , crabs and shrimp .
3 . Shelter , nesting and breeding of birds and other wildlife .
4 . Germplasm resources and genetic resources .
5 . Is a natural habitat for many species of biota .
C. Benefits / Economical Functions :
1 . Timber : firewood, charcoal , building materials .
2 . Producers of raw materials industries: pulp , tannin , paper , textile , food , medicine , cosmetics , etc.
3 . Seed -producing fish , milkfish , mussels , crabs , milkfish ponds pattern through Silvofishery
4 . Tourist attractions , research and education .
Several villages are located on the Gulf Kotania : Osi Island , Pelita Jaya , Kotania , Wael , Tamanjaya , Stone Tree and Masika Jaya . Buton largely tribal society living along the Gulf coast region Kotania the kind of livelihood that is gardening . At this time there has been a shift or change in the type of livelihood from fishing to gardening or a combination of both . Of the eight hamlets in the Gulf coast region Kotania , only the hamlet Pelitajaya ( 53 % ) and Osi Island ( 90 % ) are actually on the sea for their livelihoods , as fishermen catching shark ( shark fin ) .
Economic conditions of coastal communities in the Gulf Kotania who have any kind of livelihood as fishermen a relatively good income , which is around USD 74.5 million / year , while those with livelihoods are just gardening around Rp 20.2 million / year .
The improvement in market prices of marine products and have a better outlook , causing local people to switch his job as a fisherman . For example, mangrove crab fishermen fishing catch likely to be exported . Therefore , the number of people are turning to fishing livelihoods , then the resource use need to be careful , especially resource mangrove crabs , sea cucumbers , sea urchins , various types of shellfish that looks a tendency to decline and population size .
Mangrove resource provides a variety of products and services , both of which can be directly marketed or not , both of the environment around the mangroves and going outside and away from the mangroves . Even so it still feels difficult to determine the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems .
According to the study results Supriyadi and Wouthuyzen (2005 ) showed that the total economic value of mangroves in the Gulf Kotania in 1999 was Rp . 64.8 billion or Rp . 60.9 million / ha . This value is still too low , because there are many other components of the mangrove forest that is difficult to determine both the function and its market price . This is further complicated by the uniqueness of mangroves in the Gulf Kotania , where mangroves , seagrass beds and coral reefs coexist in harmony .
Unfamiliarity with the economic value of mangrove forest ecosystems caused by two main factors , namely :
( 1 ) . most of the goods and services produced by mangrove ecosystems his form is not traded in the market , so it does not have a value that can be observed , and
( 2 ) . Some of these goods and services take place outside and away from mangrove ecosystems so that respect for the goods and services it is often considered to have nothing to do with mangroves ( eg fertility results from the contribution of mangrove waters , which led to many fish , shrimp , crabs , mollusks in an area coastal fisheries away from the mangroves .
Social conditions of the local communities that most ( 65 % ) edged - income gardening , it can prevent the logging activity or destruction of mangrove forests .
Attempt conversion of mangrove forests into fishponds should see the results of the cost benefit analysis and whether the results are able to generate net present value of benefits ( Net Present Value ) is much larger than the present condition of the mangrove forest . As this policy is one example of inputs for policy makers who should really deserve attention.
According to the study results Supriyadi and Wouthuyzen (2005 ) concerning the economy (economic valuation ) of mangrove forests in the Gulf Kotania , West Seram , Maluku province , is as follows :
1 ) . Mangrove can undoubtedly provide products and services for people living in the vicinity, but there are many functions of mangroves are not known , so the only utilization that have direct market values are calculated . This led to neglect that can harm the mangrove forest development plan
2 ) . Results of total economic valuation of mangroves in the Gulf Kotania in 1999 was Rp . 64.8 billion or Rp . 60.9 million / ha . This value is still too low , because there are many other components of the mangrove forest that is difficult to determine both the function and its market price .
3 ) In order to obtain more representative results , especially for the case of the Gulf Kotania which has a unique ecosystem , then the valuation of the economic value needs to be done for the entire ecosystem- that surround the bay .
4 ) The result of the utilization of mangrove samples from other locations suggests that allowing the existence of mangroves as the economic value is much higher , than if mangrove converted , so it should mangrove forests in the Gulf Kotania not converted , and should be used carefully .
Harvesting of mangroves around the Gulf Kotania can still be seen , however, limited to the mangrove felling very old . Trunks of felled trees are of species Rhizophora sp , Bruguiera and Ceriops tagal gimnorrhiza , the average diameter of 25-50 cm .
The wood is mainly used as firewood , both for everyday kitchen or for curing fish . Ceriops tagal types of wood utilization as well as poles and construction materials where drying seaweed . Actually, the public has been notified that it includes plant mangrove protected and should not be cut down .
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